Recommend Adopting A Cat For The First Time.

If your housing authority makes an issue, show them your ESA letter which will be enough alone.

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Most of the people in need of emotional support animals tend to choose cats. If you think that your ESA will cause you any trouble in the process then don’t worry  weimaraner is most commonly used for hunting. The reason for that is quite simple and valid. It is because cats are truly lovable, playful, and best of all they take care of themselves. In this way, you have the least burden and maximum benefits. Another reason is that if you are an introvert you can adopt a cat who does not bother you all the time or if you are an extrovert you can buy a cat who loves to cuddle all the time. The nature of the cat depends on the breed of the cat. There are various breeds of cats, natural as well as artificial hybrids. Now if you are also trying to pick a cat as your emotional support animal, You must have thought to yourself, “which cat breed would be the best fit for me”? For your convenience, here are some of the best cat breeds you can pick from. 


American Shorthair

The most favorite and common cat breed of all the time and still is the American Shorthair. Because it is a family favorite you will find in most of the houses as pets as well as an emotional support animal. If your housing authority makes an issue, show them your ESA letter which will be enough alone. It is because of the qualities that make it consistently rank among the 10 most popular cat breeds almost anywhere in the world. They have a quite even temperament, good intelligence, and disposition. It has a very calm nature due to which it gets along with children and other cats easily. It is a classical choice and recommended to anyone who is adopting a cat for the first time.


Maine Coon

Munchkin cat is a domestic cat with short legs due to a natural genetic mutation. In the event that you have a certified ESA Letter For Housing, your privileges can’t be abused by anybody. If you want to adopt a huge cat with a heavy fur coat then the main coo would be the perfect fit. They originated in North America and are known as another favorite of Americans for all the right reasons. If you live in colder states and are afraid a cat might not be able to survive then don’t worry because this cat can. They are also intelligent, quite active, and can be trained. They become part of the family easily in no time. 



Those who do not even love cats must be aware of the Persian cats as they are so popular and have a lush coat. They are quiet, gentle, but also expressive. On top of all, they have cute and unique faces.  They do require a lot of time for grooming but the owners believe it is really worth every effort.



The most fun and Athletic cat breed is the Bengal cat. The best thing about them is that they tend to be independent. They might not like to cuddle as much as the other cats but that really depends on the personality of an individual cat. Even though it is super easy to manage but it still demands little attention. It loves to go on walks, hikes, and explore the world, which is actually great for a traveler. Canines will overall stay by their owners’ side through different difficulties.  Want to bring a cat home but scared of cat allergy so now you don’t need to worry because they also have hypoallergenic cats.


Russian Blue

Over the past few years, the popularity of the Russian blue cat has increased. They are recommended to the people in need of emotional support animals for their adorable traits. It is safe to say that this breed is very humble. They do not demand much attention as compared to the other cat breeds and are easy to love. They can live easily with family members and love to be petted.  They are quiet if that is the trait you are looking for. Also, they are quite intelligent.



One of the smartest and playful cat breeds is the Manx and the most unique feature is being tailless. They also tend to be vocal and love to talk in their special cute cat voice. They love to play fetch or carry, so if you were confused between getting a dog or cat then this cat breed will be suitable for you.



British shorthair breed is a powerful, compact, and well-balanced breed with a very dense and short coat. Some people out there would be struggling with the fact that the cats shed a lot of hair. This is actually true because cats with heavy and multiple coats do shed a lot of hair, even if you use a lint brush or grooming glove or any other tool. So if you are too struggling with facts then here is a solution. You can adopt a sphynx which is a hairless cat, but with all the qualities of a cute cat. You can recognize it by its suede-like coat easily. This cat breed is very curious and smart. So, if you feel sad and lonely, you can adopt a sphynx as it will always do something to grab your attention. They just love the attention from their humans. If you want this cat but think you may not be able to give it all the time, then an easy solution is to get another sphynx.


Are you overwhelmed and cat person just by reading this? Don’t worry because that’s a good thing! Take your time to choose a breed among these. All of them will be available at the local pet shelters. There are a few things which you should keep in mind when making this decision. Make sure you adopt a cat and not buy one so that a loving cat also gets a new loving forever home. They will show gratitude for it always! If you are unsure how an act will react to your presence, you can simply spend some time with them at the shelter. Most of the shelters around the world let you spend time with cats and other animals even if you are not adopting them. So maybe visit a few times and pick a cat with whom you bond easily. Rat terrier is small to a medium-sized dog giving an appearance of fitness and elegance. 



Useful Resources:

Provide Ease And Comfort To Your ESA

Popular Dog Breeds that Make the Best ESA


Easy Hacks on how to Figure-Out a Fake ESA Letter


Legal Guidelines — To Get an ESA Dog


Legitimate Guidelines About ESA Dogs


Guidelines To Get an ESA Dog


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